On Spiritual Maturity

I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.

John 16:12 KJV

When you were born you could not handle meat:

You had no teeth to chew, your stomach frail.

You had to start with milk, so warm and sweet,

And then work up to solid food in scale.

Don't take up calculus if you can't count,

Don't write a book if you can't spot a noun.

The heavy doctrine truths aren't tantamount

To learning how your sins can drag you down.

If Jesus told you things you could not bear

Your soul would be too feeble to digest.

The Holy Ghost guides teachers to prepare

The food of Spirit that you can ingest.

Don't be afraid to ask, but don't forget,

The Savior may tell you “Not now; not yet.”

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