"The Journey of Mr. Trump!"

He saw what was happening and did not like what he was seeing
The America that he loves so much was on the edge. It was teetering
He could not believe how Barack Obama was destroying the country
He felt he had to throw his hat in the ring and run for the Presidency

Donald Trump didn't have to do it but he felt that it was his calling
The illegal Immigration ruining America he found utterly appalling
Whatever task the DON takes on he is committed to its success
He saw how politicians just make things worse. They create a mess

His decision to run was received with angst by the Establishment
They saw him as a buffoonish showman who would lack commitment
But in his usual manner he spoke plainly and his message resonated
The pundits,the media treated him with derision. Donald Trump they hated

His strong stand on Immigration drew millions of voters to his side
The contempt and detestation from the media and elites would not subside
He has been deluged with epithets, despicable words that end in i-s-t
It flows out of their mouths and he rises in poll after poll. It is extraordinary

Donald Trump is self funded and oh how the Special Interests hate this
Money will not influence the DON. Would be donors we see him dismiss
It is his promise to build a wall on the border that we have all taken to
For thirty years the politicians have promised to build it and failed to do

Everywhere the DON goes he attracts thousands to hear him speak
He is so refreshingly candid in his own style. It's his leadership we seek
The DON is not one to mince words. He deplores political correctness
Trump speaks from his gut. About him there's not any disingenuousness

It will be a long struggle but this man of the hour is committed to ride it out
It's getting America to be great again. That is what this is all about
 From the day he declared through the second debate that just ended
he has been number one in poll after poll. In a word it has been SPLENDID!

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