Fake Hate: 9 False Discrimination Stories the Media Ran With

The Soros owned MSM dutifully reports on every hate crime that occurs (except of course Black on White, or people of any color by illegal immigrants or Islamists).

The majority of retractions and apologies might as well have appeared somewhere between the obituaries and classifieds. No matter, the intended damage was done. Even though the falseness was exposed, the hate crime drums continued to beat.

The following article lists a sample of MSM frenzied coverage which later proved to be false.

By Kristine Marsh
The left loves to portray the right as bigots who hate minorities, women, Muslims, and gays. So the media latch onto any claim of perceived discrimination or hate, real or not, and report it with glee (forget investigation and due diligence!).

Obviously, crimes do occur that are genuinely motivated by someone’s ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation. But many are simply hoaxes committed by liberal activists for the cause of furthering their agenda. The media makes no distinctions in figuring out which ones are real and which are staged.

Just this past week, two more alleged hate crimes were debunked. After a gay bar owner’s business burned down in 2012, he complained he was ‘targeted’ because of his sexual orientation. He finally admitted to committing the act himself and was charged  August 4.

In Tennessee last Tuesday, a court ruled that a lesbian couple had spray painted anti-gay slurs on their own garage before burning their house down and blaming it on their neighbor.

It’s not as if this hasn’t been done many times before. In just the past five years alone, two very similar cases attracted the media's attention. In 2011, a lesbian couple from Colorado staged their own anti-gay home vandalism that the media pounced on as a “hate crime.” Again, in 2012, lesbian Charlie Rogers mutilated herself with anti-gay slurs, faked a kidnapping story and burnt her house down in a hate crime hoax that garnered national attention.

Here are nine more (out of many!) fake hate crimes from the past five years that the media fell for and ran with.

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