The High Cost of Patriotism

The price our Founding Fathers paid for our freedom is legendary. Hundreds of stories and articles not mention history books have related the pain, poverty and anguish that our Founders suffered because of their loyalty to America rather than the British Crown.
Not all of the original 56 died in poverty. There were several that managed to keep their collective heads above water. But in the end; yes, most were impoverished if not stone cold broke and many of the original signers of the Declaration of Independence are actually buried in ‘Potters Fields’ up and down the East Coast.

he story I am about to relate to you is not meant to garner overt sympathy or make anyone feel bad. It is however meant to give a wake up call to any and all that support what the Tea Party has tried so hard to accomplish over these past 6 plus years. In other words; if I die tonight, I want America to know the truth about the price these brave patriots have paid and are still paying to tell America the truth about what Barack Obama and our Federal Government have been doing to this nation.
It is now widely known that Lois Lerner and the IRS had and still has the Tea Party or anyone or any organization associated with the Tea Party in her cross-hairs for targeting. Any organization with the words “Conservative, Patriot, Tea Party, Founder” and the list goes on, was in fact targeted. Anyone that was or is associated with any organization with those names was also targeted if the IRS managed to get the membership list.
While Lois Lerner has left the IRS, the mission remains the same because Barack Obama and the Democrats want it to remain the same. As for myself personally, of course my name is on numerous list and of course I have been subjected to IRS scrutiny for some years now. Prior to my joining this movement some 6 years ago, I have only been audited once and that was back in the early 80’s (that one I did deserve). Today, the IRS has their arms deep into my personal life and deep in my wallet. And guess what? There is absolutely nothing I can do about it.
The strain that something like the IRS hunting you and the strain that being impoverished places on a family is dramatic to say the least. Due to the fact that I put myself in the line of fire because I felt so strongly about informing America was possibly a mistake. Maybe I should not have done it, but I felt so strongly that America needed to know the truth about this administration and their “dishonesty and out-right” treasonous activity, I did so with a smile on my face. Back in 2010, I was writing about and speaking about Hezbollah operating on the Arizona and American border and Obama was in fact running guns to them. This was before “Fast and Furious” was ever announced!
I knew of this activity because I had friends that were Border Patrol agents on the border. They were telling me about what was happening. In fact everyone that lives in or around Tombstone, Douglas and in that region of Arizona knew what was happening. I simply began blogging about it and speaking out about it.
After dozens and dozens of speeches, countless blogs and articles, many radio interviews, hundreds of newspaper articles (written about me), yours truly is in a very serious pickle. And the tragedy is; I am far from being alone in this quagmire.
Here is the situation today and see if this does not sound familiar to any of you. 
After having invested some 6 years in this movement and after having invested all of my life-savings into this movement (through purchasing web-sites, domains, travelling and just plain old living while being an activist), today I am all but destitute. I have been seeking a job for some time now and nobody will hire me. Would you like to know why? Simply Google “Ken Crow”! The hits you receive is staggering to say the least. Now the potential employer sees my mug shot attached to a political figure or a Tea Party something and I am immediately tossed into the circle file along with the rest of the trash.
I have been told that I am too controversial, too polarizing and most if not all Human Resources managers won't come within 10 feet of me.
Today America; I am reaching out to you my patriot family for two reasons. The first; I need a good job to support myself and my family. I need a patriot that understands that I am truly not radioactive! In the end, these blogs and speeches do not support my family, buy groceries, make a car payment or rent payment.
With over 20 years of professional sales experience and having won numerous sales awards from a couple of the largest corporations in America, I think I can sell and make someone a ton of money. My specialties are horse trailers (with the living quarters, “don’t laugh, these things sell for over $100,000″ for many of them), trucks from Ford, Dodge and Chevrolet and Western Wear. My major problem today is, I have been living in such a small town in Central Iowa, there simply are no employers anywhere close to me. I need to relocate!
My dilemma;  I do not have the funds to relocate, nor do I have the funds to purchase any of the wardrobe necessary to garner employment with an Insurance company or large dealership in a big city. Remember; for the past six (6) years, I have been wearing blue jeans and a dress shirt.
America; I am trapped and I need your help. I need a patriotic business owner that needs a good salesperson or manager or something of this nature to give me a chance. I need funding to relocate out of this small town to get to a decent job and I need to purchase some dress clothes to wear to work.
I need your help America. Please; if you know of anyone needing someone, tell them about this situation. I am literally about to be homeless and I have nowhere to turn. I have given you (6) years of patriotism and will give you more, but I need to get to work and eat first! I will keep the great stories coming and keep the politically conservative spin coming, but I have to keep a roof over my head.
Please click on the donate button on the side and help if you can. Please share this and help me find a patriot willing to employ me. Please send a prayer, I could certainly use them right now. This is serious and I am in trouble.. 
In closing, this is but one story. I have friends across America in the very same boat I am in. I suppose in the end; we loved our country but none of us did it for money when we probably should have been. Oh there are a couple that have made a fortune off this movement, we simply chose to do it for the love rather personal enrichment. God love you all, and click on the DONATE BUTTON if you can. Anything is appreciated and I will keep you apprised of the job situation as soon as I hear from someone. (Email is below)
I shall always be humble, grateful and appreciative of anything anyone can do to assist in my time of extraordinary pain. Thank you all and may God Bless each of you! 
Twitter; @kwrcrow

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