“Brian Alunan has nothing to show for the 150 applications he has submitted to Sacramento area employers over the last few months. No bites, no interviews, no job. Alunan is 29, and lives with his parents. His work history is spotty. His unemployment benefits have ended. The bank is about to take his car. If every generation is supposed to be better off financially than the one that preceded it, Sacramento “millennials” have a lot of catching up to do.”
Obama’s primary campaign turf is still universities, Michelle My Butt will speak at that Kansas school district, and graduates do not have jobs.
I hated school, it bored the hell out of me. If that’s your choice, and you make the financial commitment, your first job is finding a job. Getting by (maxing out credit cards, eating soup, paying bills every other month, driving a breakdown car, splitting rent…) can really suck, a lot of people have done it. Everybody knows what the situation is today, if you are not willing to accept it, do not get the degree. Your failure to commit is not our responsibility. You listened to Obama once and now you are back at home with your parents, broke, and miserable.

Read More On This....HERE

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