Pope Francis Warns Against Communism

  The Spirit Of The World : The  Assinity  Of Wealth Distribution That Advocates Depravity Of Free Will


The most important fact to understand about the economics of communism is that communist revolutions only triumphed in heavily agricultural societies. It is all by the design of greed through force of blackmail, sedition of laws, murder, attrition, buy-offs, false flags, collusion, basically everything that is unconstitutional or against the well being of humanity.
Government ownership of the means of production could not, therefore, be achieved by expropriating a few industrialists.
Lenin [Financed By Rothschild Banks] recognized that the government would have to seize the land of tens of millions of citizens, who resisted. He tried during the Russian Civil War (1918–1920), but retreated in the face of chaos and five million famine deaths.
Lenin’s successor, Joseph Stalin, finished the job a decade later, sending millions of the more affluent citizens to Siberian slave labor camps to forestall organized resistance and he starved the rest into submission.


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