Love Like the Movies

Why do we love movie romances so much, and why do we desire for the love stories in movies to happen to us? Really, why do all of us want to be in love like the movies?
“But in the movies they’re not in love at all…”
We can never be in love like the movies, (I apologize if this is insultingly obvious) because movies, even the most realistic, can never come close to real life. They may sometimes seem realistic but “real life is more than just two hours long” as the Avett brothers politely put it.
But why are we so attracted to the love-lives of the silver screen? I think the answer lies somewhere in the fact that several qualities of a good romance do in fact reflect deeply natural human desires. These qualities I believe are the extraordinary, the conflict, the resolution, and the perfect. And these qualities paradoxically make me certain that we can’t be in love exactly like the movies, but we can be in a love-romance better than the movies. Don’t believe me?


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